Tag Archives: baking

2013 Takes Off

The year started off when the area had water pipe breaks. We had to evacuate campus, so I went to my aunt’s house.
It was too cold to go outside for most of the days on the long weekend, but I did manage to take a couple short walks and snap a few pictures.
Aunt Grace Mail BoxesThe following Friday, I stopped by the school’s Chili Cook Off to take some pictures.

The chefs were all more than happy to allow me to take pictures of them and their creations!

ChiliSome, even brought cornbread to enhance the dining experience.

Corn Bread
After stopping by the Chili Cook-Off, I walked around campus, and stopped by the Giant Duck.

School Duck

On Sunday, I prepared for the Super Bowl.

Me With Cupcakes
I’m from the San Francisco suburbs, so the Forty Niners are my team.

Cupcakes 3Of course the cupcakes the treats were gluten free and thanks to Betty Crocker cake mix, they turned out great and people even complemented the taste and texture instead of complaining, like they often do when they find out the food is GF.

Cupcakes 1

Although they were Niners colors and themed, they could have just as well been Gryffindor cupcakes.Cupcakes 2The Niners lost, but I guess that there’s still next year.

This week is Senior Week at Mercyhurst.

Last night, I went glow bowling with my friends.

Bowling Balls

Here, my friend Chelsee flashes a smile before bowling.Chelsee BowlingHere’s a shot of the bowling alley glowing in the dark.

Glow Bowling
Look for more photos from Mercyhurst Senior Week soon!